Billy Blanks:Tae Bo Contact (2 DVD) Формат: 2 DVD (NTSC) (Box set) Дистрибьютор: Good Times Региональный код: 1 Звуковые дорожки: Английский Dolby Digital 2 0 Формат изображения: Standart инфо 7349y.

От издателя Billy is back and better than ever! Billy Banks presents his brand new, latest and greatest workout system: Tae Bo Contact The one and only Billy Banks will motivate you to completely transform yбчцсмour body and your mind! You'll lose weight and shed inches as your confidence soars and your energy flies sky-high! 1 Contact In Tae Bo Contact 1, Billy Banks introduces his unique upright punching bag Add control and accuracy to the ultimate total-body fitness systвжйкпem and experience the body-sculpting power of your Tae Bo skills in action 2 Contact With Tae Bo Contact 2 you can sharpen your focus with pinpoint accuracy while you continue to tone and strengthen your body About Billy Banks: Seven-time world martial arts champion Billy Banks is the creator of Tae Bo, the revolutionary total body fitness system that has helped millions of people around the world get in shape and feel great! Tae Bo targets, sculpts, and contours your body so youвпчяю build muscle, burn fat andilose inches While training in his home, Billy began to combine dance music with his Tae Kwon Do Billy soon saw the fantastic results of Tae Bo on him and his family, so in 1989 he opened the Billy Banks World Training Center in Sherman Oaks, CA,to begin teaching this new workout style he named Tae Bo Актер Билли Блэнкс Billy Blanks.

Зубные пасты
Крем для тела
Межзубные ершики
Карандаши для косметики
Зубные щетки
Кусачки маникюрные
Набор для маникюра
Подарочные наборы
Мусс для волос
Лак для волос
Кондиционер для волос
Солнцезащитные средства
Молочко для тела
Отшелушивающие средства
Гели для душа
Пена для ванны
Бомбочки для ванны
Спрей для тела
Ночной крем
Питательный крем
Очищающая маска
Увлажняющая маска
Дневной крем
Увлажняющая эмульсия
Дорожный набор
Солевая ванна